Sunday, September 9, 2012


I don't think heroes exist. Villains do, heroes don't.

And so, when thinking about it, it makes my decision so much harder. Would I rather be a villain, or someone without any power?

I guess we can all agree that "heroes" and villains are both very powerful. But if you're neither, then you're powerless. Because there's nothing else you CAN be. Also, strike off hero and you only have two options.

I wish I could be a hero? But I've already failed. If you haven't failed yet, then you will. It is inevitable.

As much as it pains me to say it, Luffy is not a hero. He's a pirate. He saves a lot of people, but thankfully he's not deluding himself into thinking that he's a hero, albeit very jokingly.

Why don't heroes exist? Because heroes don't let people die.

There are no heroes.

At least not in real life.

Fuck, what's with the psychological fuck-ups I've been writing about lately. I mean, I guess it's better than talking about my bed, but fuck... I get so fucking deep when winter comes. Not depressed though, maybe sad and lonely, but not depressed. I always get depressed in the summer. At least once in summer I get slapped by a panic-attack so hard I don't know which way's up and which way's left. Which triggers an emotional burst that lasts for a few days. But that's pretty much it for my emotions. Other times I a have pokerface of fucking steel! (which only gets interrupted when Ace says something funny)

Guys, what's your take on heroes?


  1. You think heroes do not exist because they don't let people die?
    Dafuqq dude

  2. And it's you another weird oppinion:'D Okay. You're like Moriarty. He said something about dying, something like: THAT'S WHAT PEOPLE DO.

    1. Yeah, but heroes are supposed to prevent that, no? Conclusion, heroes don't exist.

  3. No, that means, we have always some bad guys. Every fairytale needs a good old-fashioned villain you know. And what's a villain without a hero? Just some mad guy.
