Thursday, November 1, 2012

The male-mind

What would your name be, if you were of the opposite sex? What would you act like in different situations? Describe yourself, your thoughts and feelings.

Leaving aside the fact that if I'd have been born as a boy, my mom would've named me Lauri, I would like my male-name to be one of these:
Henri, Madis, Joosep, Emil, Hando, Neven, Karla, Mati, Rain.

I'd be a big-boned boy, awkward, with limbs that'd feel too long, but I could still manage to be really short. Short hair, because, c'mon, you guys know I dislike long hair! I'd probably dye my hair though. Having red hair as a boy doesn't seem as pleasant as it does when you're a girl. And even as a girl it's not that pleasant. I'd probably bleach my hair, rather than make it a darker shade, though, since I have a really light skin. It'd not look nice on a boy, unless he wants to go emo/goth. And I wouldn't go either of those.

I think... I wouldn't act differently at all from how I act now. I might be a bit lenient with people, not get riled up as easily, but I'd pretty much act the same.

I would wear semi-formal clothes to school. Maybe formal, even, once in a while.

And from this point on it's gonna be even more of a speculation than it already is.

I would like Physics more and be better at it. Still shit in math. And maybe a bit worse in Biology or Literature.

I would be... A bit too honest. I would definitely say things that some people might say is TMI. I would say hurtful things to people and not even notice. Kind of like I do now, but even more so, because I read males usually have more trouble with empathy.

I love how I could be somehow offending so many people at the moment and I can't even see what it is that I am saying wrong, if I indeed am saying something wrong. This shit is just natural to me.

I might be on my way to becoming a philosophist(?). Because I am ALL about theories and no practical stuff.

I think Philosophy is for lazy people. Smart people, but lazy as fuck people.

Also what do you guys think? What name from that list of names I wrote suits me the most?
And write your own list of boy-names and I'll tell you what I think would suit you.
While you're at it, tell me about YOUR male-me. It's awesome to see what you guys think. :)


  1. I think I would like my name to be either Madis or Janar.

    I would wear semi-formal clothes to school.
    I would probably still like to have my grey-ish eyes and blond hair, though it would be much shorter.
    I wouldn´t act differently.
    I would be taller, but still as awkward and I would be stumbling over anything.
    i would be very good in literature and suck in maths.

    Anni, your name should be Madis, Emil or Rain :D

    1. Janar? That seems different from others. Just wondering why Janar?

      Also in other words, you'd pretty much stay the same!

      Goddamn those name choices! :D But I'd add Karla and Mati to the list, simply because the first one is cute and the second one is just awesome. All in all, I still don't know what name I'd choose!

    2. I just started liking that name.
      It sounds very Estonian, doesn´t it?

    3. Madis/Janar if i would be a guy with you and when you fall, you'd still drag me along with you :D but that's what friends are for, right? I mean, can you imagine if you didn't have somebody to hold onto when you fall?? Veeeeeery necessary xD

  2. If I would like to be named as Martin or Sander
    I would have the same stile, that lil wayne has.
    I wouldn't act differently, but I would definitely be very kind with girls. Because boys these days.. Gooosh, where are all the gentelmans?
    And the first time of my life I realized, that I would be perfect guy. Can I get somewhere a guy, who acts like me?

    And Anni, your name should deff be Madis

    1. You feel more of a Sander-type, jus' sayan!
      Of course you'd have the same style as lil Wayne. Did you know where the underpants-above-pants style originated from? In jail. From gay men. With underpants visible above pants, they showed other prisoners that they were into 'that' sort of thing. Makes you look at lil Wayne in a different light, doesn't it? (also, I just figured this out, but I can't write lil Wayne without the lil, because otherwise it feels like I'm writing about Bruce Wayne.)

      I think we'd all pretty much be the perfect guys. Except for me, because I don't think I'd treat girls any different than I do now, which is to say I'd unintentionally hurt their feelings ALL OVER THE GOGDAMN PLACE!

  3. Madis,Sander and Janar.
    It does sound rather good, doesn´t it?

  4. Replies
    1. You were supposed to write your guy-name, since you're such a girl already!
