Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sometimes I feel like a bird who has been captured and brought down from the highs where it had flown without a care in the world.
I am failing myself, afraid to be me. I am so different in my heart, much less closed off, but I don't know how to show it. I want to be a bird who can fly higher than anyone else, but I don't know how.
I want to give this world so much, but I am too shy and afraid and worthless to even consider trying, 'cause what would it change? If I wrote a book or composed a song, what would it change in a world where there is so much sadness and pain? I am pretty good at puting on a good face or a happy smile, but I am too strange to understand myself. Who am I? I know who I want to be, but who am I really?
A good person, I hope, but a bit too selfish. I am not very social or good with words, unless I write them. I have broken free from the rutin, now it is time to start finding myself because I really want to get to know who I am inside.


  1. You ARE a good person. You're incredibly talented and kind. You're the best friend anyone could ask for.

    And you can't change the world. That's the one thing you need to keep your head clear and feet on the ground for. You need to understand that you can't do something impossible, something bigger than life.

    The only thing you need to know, is that you need to do what you like. If you like composing music, then do that. If you like writing books, then do that.

    You can't take away people's pains permanently. But what you CAN do is take them away from today's society's bullshit for a couple of minutes or hours or maybe even days. That's the best you can do. And no one is expecting you to do some superhero shit. Do what you like and do it good.

    At least, that's how I view things. Sorry if it depressed you.

  2. I just made myself a really good plan how to inspire myself. You just have to ask yourself some questions. And you should write down your answers. It reminds you what you really want. And If you want something then you'll get it. Let me show you:

    Do you wanna be weak person?
    - No I don't wanna be a weak person.
    What do you have to do to NOT be a weak person?
    - I have to be strong person.

    - You have two oppotunitys: to give up and to not give up. What would you coose?
    - Not give up.

    See? The only way you can get answers, is to answer. *I'm strong person, because I don't want to give up. I never give up. Because I'm a strong person.*

    And when you didn't knew it yet. Then you're my smartest friend. You really are. Anni said you don't have to be superhero. I already think you are. You are amazing Mirjam. Never forget it. You're awesome. And you should never give up. Because YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE. And that's why you should do everything you wany, be everything you want to be, belive in everything you want to belive and just be yourself. Because you're awesome.

    And guys. I discovered, that Eminems songs can make me feel better.
    Here are some lyrics:

    Eminem - Lose Yourself

    Look, if you had one shot or one opportunity
    To seize everything you ever wanted in one moment
    Would you capture it or just let it slip?

    Eminem - Till I collapse

    Cause sometimes you just feel tired.
    Feel weak - and when you feel weak, you feel like you wanna just give up.
    But you gotta search within you, you gotta find that inner strength
    And just pull that shit out of you and get that motivation to not give up
    And not be a quitter, no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face and collapse.

    1. Dafuq did I just write :D
      This comment needs some grammar nazis.

    2. Be careful what you wish for.

      *want to
      *to be A strong person
      *opportunities, but scratch that word, because it doesn't belong here. Use "choices" instead.
      * TO not give up
      *And IF you didn't know it yet, then...
      *to be A superhero
      *everything you WANT
      You actually didn't have that many mistakes. I didn't, however, check your comma mistakes, aside from the "...if you didn't know it yet, then..." sentence. Do you want me to check those too?
      Remember, what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger!

  3. Thank you so much!!!
    I don´t even know why I wrote all that.
    I guess I was in a REALLY bad mood. You are the most awesomest and kindest friends someone could ever have.

    I miss ya so much.
    P.S. Could you let me know if you´ll visit me next weekend?

    1. *hug*

      Yeah, I can visit you on the 24th. Will you come to the bus station, or will we have to find our own way around there? Also, Ace, should we go with the same bus, so it'd be easier for Choppa?

  4. Today I told my English teacher that I decided to take an English final exam. I just changed my mind :'D

    1. You don't need to change your mind. You're still pretty good in english. Watch movies with english subtitles and read stories and books in english. You can try and read fanfiction. Of Harry Potter, Sherlock BBC, Twilight and so on. Reading something you like WILL help you get even better. Never give up!


    1. I LITERALLY wrote in that a few minutes before you posted it here! :)

  6. The thing that always makes you happy is right here:
