Sunday, November 25, 2012

Good news for you.

So, Anni. I think I still need your doctor.


  1. Well, there's still a while until he stops. After all, two more albums, so good for you!

    Tuesday then? You aren't ill anymore, right?

  2. Actually I have a fever. And my head is spinning around. And I feel like I'm gonna throw up any minute. And I'm soooooo cold. Ecpesially today because I dropped my phone into the river, and I was soaking wet after I brought it back.
    Can you guess why I went there? I mean walking. Actually I wanted to make myself feel a litle bit better, because I felt like like my head's gonna explode. When you're home all the time with your stupid thoughts then everything seems much worse than it acutally is. So I went there. And I dropped my phone. And I broght it back. And I felt like I wanna drown myself into that fucking water too. I was really thinking that I'm gonna do it. Why, just why does these kind of things happen to me all the time?

    1. Does it still work? Or can we not call you anymore?

      I really need to show you Fight Club after this.

      Sa vist ei jõua siis arsti juurde teisipäeval, amirite? Kas ma panen ikkagi aja arsti juurde kinni?

  3. Ära pane. Ma loodan, et see asjandus hakkab tööle.

    1. Äkki ma ikka panen aja kinni. Enne jõule saab võib olla ära käidud. See asi on seda väärt, et sa istud vaid tund aega seal ja lobised. Ma võin SINU sessioonile kaasa tulla isegi, kui tahad.
