...okay, so maybe that's a little too harsh. But my god, there are some people I CANNOT stand. Let's start with the list, shall we? This is gonna be long...
*People who smoke in my vicinity, especially if they know I don't smoke and ESPECIALLY if it's indoors. You can sleep on the porch this winter, cancer-spreader.
*Drivers that let you pass the street, but then start honking if you wait 'too long'. Bitch, what about the other car?! I'm not about to get run over because only you're letting me pass!
*Guys whose underpants show above their jeans... Ugh, do I really have to explain this one again? IT'S A CODE FOR GAY SEX IN PRISON! Unless you're gay AND in prison, stop doing it.
*Histrionic/egoistic/dramatic people. Bluuuh, it's like; Bitch, I don't care if your cat died a month ago. Or that you broke up with your internet!boyfriend. Or if LIFE IS SO FUCKING HARD!! It's hard for everyone and we get by, fucking keep your mouth shut and deal with it like the rest of us!
*People, who want my pity in EVERYTHING. You cunt, I have a life of my own! If you're fucking starving yourself to become slender, then I have no sympathy for you!
(This is actually kind of hypocritical of me, since I do fasting about once a month as well. The difference between me and the other person is that I fast for a couple of days and not more because I know doing it for a longer period of time can be hazardous without the supervision of a doctor. They did it for two weeks straight and even, I quote "fainted a couple of times, no biggie". No fucking sympathy for people who don't look up the dangers of fasting. I was at the point where I wouldn't have even cared if they were hospitalized for their stupidity.)
*People who CONTINUOUSLY make SIMPLE grammar mistakes. I mean, I'm in no way perfect, but by god, why don't you know the difference between your/you're and their/there/they're?! Have you not finished the sixth grade yet?! I mean, english isn't my first language and even I didn't fuck those words up when I was just a kid! I literally knew the difference between those words when I was 7 years old.
*People who write like this: how r u? r u ok? omg lol xd.
...Seriously? Seriously. Ok, um, if you want to talk to me, like you want to spend your time on me, then fucking use proper grammar and longer sentences and, for god's sake, use a period once in a while! You can use an abbreviation every once in a while, but this... With shit like "how r u?" it looks like you don't entirely WANT to talk to me and do it just out of obligation because we're both online or because we're friends or something. Why are we friends again? Oh wait, we're not.
*People, who, while they're with me, spend all their time on the phone texting. Did you want to spend time with me or not?! If not, then stop hanging out with me all the time! If so, stop texting and let's do something together.
*People who are always late. I make it pretty much my life goal to be on time everywhere. Why can't you?! If that's the time we promised to meet up, why the fuck would you not be there?!
*Girls who wear too much make-up. Okay, so this kinda goes with the last one as well. They take AGES to sparkle themselves up and are then unreasonably, unfashionably late. Most of the time you look like a monster rather than a real person. You don't need make-up, bitch!
...The more you know.
*People who ask for my advice, but then don't take it. Why the FUCK would you ask for my advice and then blow it off as irrelevant and do what you want to do, instead of what's the right thing to do. And then, when it all blows in your face, I want to scream out to the sky, "I FUCKING TOLD YOU SO, YOU CUNT!"
*Martyrs. And not the people from the Bible, but people who IRL do stupid shit like this: suffering because of something, physical or otherwise, but refusing to go to the doctor.
*People who hate on something too much. Like Pewdiepie, anime, Justin Bieber, One Direction, gays, asexuals, Homestuck, Twilight. Dude, chill, they never killed your pet or anything. Why the fuck are you hating on them? I don't listen/watch/whatever to half of those and I'm not going around spreading hate. Stop listening/watching them. That's why the internet is so fucking stupid nowadays, people hate everything for no apparent reason. And some make it their life goal to fuck up the lives of the people who like them. Seriously, why are you wasting your time? We're not gonna stop liking it because of you and you're not gonna start liking it. So why spend so much time on a subject you fucking hate? Go to a carnival or an amusement park, go have fun instead. Do something fun instead of whining on something you dislike so much.
*Kids, who swear and think they're boss. You're not, swearing doesn't make you instantly cool, and I'm gonna treat you like a flea, until you realize you really are one.
*Old people who don't respect me. I know you should always respect your elders, but if you treat me like something less and inferior, then, no matter what your age, I wont respect you.
*I HATE it when people say they're my friend, but then don't put any effort into our friendship. Fucking call me or send me a text or email or something every once in a while! It's a two-way street where we BOTH have to give something so we wouldn't revert to acquaintances or even this line: "Somebody that I used to know". One day it wont be enough if I'm the only one calling and texting. If you value our friendship, DO something about it.
This could be longer, but I'm tired. Might do part two sometime in the future. What are your pet peeves, guys?
Yeah, you could just say:'Kill yourself', It would've been way much easier to read:)
ReplyDeleteWell, I pretty much did in the title. But I also corrected myself and said that it's too harsh of a thing to say. These are just my pet-peeves. Can I not state my opinions on certain topics, without being called out as a violent person? Look up the word 'irony' in the dictionary.