Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Massive rage about people pt. zwei

First, if you think I have a massive ego problem, then look up the word 'irony' in the dictionary and then slowly, very gently... jam a blunt fork in your eye. Thank you.

Second, there was a part one of this, but today was a tipping point for me again and I have to rant about this.

Third, some points may come up again from the first part. That means they piss me EXTRA off.

Let's get started!

*People who sit on the outer seat in a bus, putting their bags on the window-seat. What the fuck is wrong with you?! People that get on want a seat and you must realize that this one person will come to you eventually and ask to sit next to you. Why would you make your life so difficult? It's just another human being sitting next to you. Usually (in Estonia) they wont even say a word to you afterwards. So it's not like you have to be afraid of conversation. I mean, what the fuck?!

*People, who whine about everything and then do nothing to solve their problems. Oh wait, this was in part one already? Well, it still pisses me off.

*Liars. Like not even little white lies, though that kind of pisses me off as well. I'm talking about huge lies. Lies that get you and other people in trouble. Like how you told your baby's father that you have weaned your baby off of your breast, but after two years you still haven't done it... And the baby's father is about to find out, because usually you just sleep in another room with the baby and now the father has to sleep in the same room as you. So you ask your little sister to help with the weaning, which kind of wears your little sister out... Yeah, how's that gonna work out for you?

* People who get angry at me when I decide NOT to help them. Helping someone is VOLUNTARY. I do NOT need to help every living being on this planet. I do NOT need to take a piece of MY precious time and use it on YOU. When I offer help, it means I'm offering to spend my time on YOU. It's free. If you don't use it, fine. But if you get angry at me for not spending my precious life on you, then kindly jam a blunt fork in your eye.

*People who think they're above the law. Fuck off. If you're famous and get convicted of something where the evidence undeniably says it was you and you don't really even deny it, but say that you're not supposed to be here or something, because "Do you know who I am?" Kindly slice your tongue on a rusty spoon.

*Stupid drivers. I don't know if people are getting more stupid or if road tests are getting easier to pass. It's basic knowledge to turn on your side lights when you want to take a turn. It's even more basic that you need to PAY ATTENTION to other drivers and people crossing the road at the RIGHT PLACE. I will sue you to high heaven if you ever hit me while I'm crossing the zebra with my green light on, I swear!

*There is NEVER any real excuse for bad grammar. Bad punctuation, okay, I can live with that. But continuous wrong usage of the words "your" and "you're"and everything else makes me angry. Please shoot some grammar into your brain and DON'T get angry at people who correct your spelling. They're HELPING! You're just showing off your ignorance and laziness. That's not an attractive trait.

*When I have no wifi and being without internet for a few hours is SO. VERY. TOUGH. ...People, who are like that should watch or re-watch Fight Club. And then they should get a "friendly" visit from Tyler Durden.

*People, who walk in, instead of letting people out first. ARE YOU A HUMAN BEING?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!

*Women, who don't reprimand their child when it does something bad. Or don't actually really discipline them at all. You see, this is how douchebags spawn. You need to put a stop to this, before things get bad and you start moaning of how hard life is and how your child doesn't love you. Also if you just don't really take care of your kids and get a babysitter for it. IF YOU DON'T HAVE TIME OR DON'T HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF HOW TO EFFECTIVELY RAISE A CHILD, WEAR A CONDOM! You can even try baby pills. Why would you need to bring your spawn into this life, if you aren't going to teach it about rules and consequences. It's going to be a REAL LIVE HUMAN, you need to understand that when you're fucking. Teach your kid to act like a human.

*Touching. I HATE it when people poke or touch me without giving me time to prepare for it. I can prepare for a hug usually. I can't prepare for a poke in the ribs at school. And it usually hurts too. FUCK OFF!

*People who DRAMATICALLY moan or sigh to get you to ask them what's wrong. I am specifically ignoring you now.

*People who talk about how much FUN they had last night while they were inebriated. If you start your sentences with "Dude, I was so wasted/stoned..." I will automatically tune you out.

*People who have no modesty. "Ooooh, I look SUPER cute today." ...I will laugh when you get an F in math or some shit. I will laugh even if it physically hurts me and I have to visit the hospital the next ten seconds. Usually you're not cute, get over yourself. It's called, say it with me, NARCISSISM! Or at the very least, a HUGE FUCKING EGO!

*People who make STUPID jokes. Like jokes about male genitalia, innuendo, abortion and other lame topics.Maybe one every once in a while, but not every. goddamn. hour! Seesh, you're in the 12th grade! Stop acting like my little brother! It's unattractive! If you want attention, go into acting or make INTELLIGENT jokes. Or use irony. That shit is ALWAYS funny.

*People who brag. Take a step back and literally... FUCK YOUR OWN FACE!

Ugh, okay, there might be a part tres if people manage to piss me off this much again. I'm usually a really tolerant person so it's hard, but I guess everything's possible if you put your ass in gear to do JUST THOSE THINGS THAT PISS ME OFF! And don't start with the, "damn gurl, u dinnt need to be so pessimistic bout lyfe."
I needed to rant to get it all off my chest, fuck you very much.

Now I feel much better :)


  1. Where the fuck is 'like' button?
    Oh, I forgot it again. It's not facebook.

    Good post my dear. Here, have a potato

  2. What is with that potato?
    I don't understand the joke D:

    1. Thing is, I believe Ace doesn't get that reference either, but I referenced a parody of Death Note. (To be honest, the original parody said "potato chip", but oh well...)
