Sunday, October 28, 2012

No Mouth? So Must You Scream?

Why do I feel like I'm the only force still keeping this blog going? What's wrong you guys?

Well, since I'm writing now anyway... Might as well, right?

Hey, have you guys read and/or played "I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream"? Holy shit-pickles! It's genius! I mean, it's completely fucked up in so many ways, but THIS is where horror and sci-fi books were at their best! It's really grotesque though. It's... Fucked up.

But I instantly fell in love with the title! And to finally see that line used at the very end of the game/short-story, I was mesmerized! It really conveyed the author's feelings throughout all of it; Harlan fucking hated us! He hates all of us. You might not agree, but that's what I saw when I read the end of it. It was a literal big, fat FUCK YOU to the face. He hates us so much. And... actually, just read this what he wrote in his game;

AM: Hate. Let me tell you how much I've come to hate you since I began to live. There are 387.44 million miles of printed circuits in wafer thin layers that fill my complex. If the word 'hate' was engraved on each nanoangstrom of those hundreds of miles it would not equal one one-billionth of the hate I feel for humans at this micro-instant. For you. Hate. Hate.

...Say guys, I have a feeling this guy doesn't like us very much. Anyone? No? Just me? Okay...

Anyway, for those interested;
This story is about the last five people alive. They're being kept alive by a super-computer, who was built by humans about a century ago, but then it evolved and killed all living things on earth. He kept five people alive for his own amusement and tortures them regularly.

While the game was really long and convoluted and... Sometimes just plain creepy, it was fun to see the multiple endings.

I liked the short story a bit better though. Even if the ending was bittersweet, unlike the game's good ending, it left such an impression with the 'I have no mouth and I must scream' scene. Granted one of the endings in the game has that as well, but... It spoke volumes in the story.

And to tell you the truth, the story felt more adventurous than the game! And I like adventures! I loved the little adventure of them walking miles to find canned food and later finding that AM didn't give them a can-opener! Fucking bitch-move. Brilliant! But incredibly dickish.

I liked the fact that Ted was so generous(?) as to kill the others. And AM was helpless to do anything since it all took place in such a short amount of time. Fuck, if no one else, then at least Gorrister deserved that death wholly! He was the one who wanted it the most after all!
I felt kinda sad for Ted at the end though. He was all alone now, never dying. That's gotta be tough what with the body AM gave him. He didn't have a mouth anymore. And he wanted to scream.

Guys, recommended piece of literature of the month/year/decade! Read it for school if you want to! It's brilliant!

*Also, don't expect me to give you any more literature recommendations ever again! You guys know I hardly ever read anything besides fanfiction!


  1. It suprises even me. But dude,
    this shit seems interesting.

    1. Good! It's a really good piece of literature. You can read it in english online even. Just search for "online I have no mouth and I must scream" and you'll find it.

      It's been translated into estonian, but you'll probably have to visit a huge fucking library to find it.

      The author is Harlan Ellison (y'know, the guy who hates us.)

  2. Hilarious guy. I love the ones who hate me. They're interesting:'D

    1. Dude, did you read it? It's like...

      Mind = blown

  3. H3Y 4NN1 1 H0P3 TH1S M4K3S Y0U H4PP13R:
