Friday, December 7, 2012

My Unusually Extraordinary Week

I have some good news. Nothing important, just some things that have made my week.
I had a level test (tasemetöö) in maths on monday. On wednesday I found out my results. I got a 5 pluss and 40 points out of 40! That made my results the best in our year (girls and boys both)! That is kind of amazing. I mean, I knew I understood all I had learned, but this?

I also went skating with Brook today. We had a lot of fun and she only fell once. We saw a guy there who looked just like Sirius Black, when he went to school. He even had a Gryffindor scarf with yellow and red stripes. And when we skated past him we heard him say "Expecto patronum"! I could have cried out of happiness!

The semester will be over in two weeks, and even though i am so tired all the time, i know i have just so little time left to wait.

I have fallen down only once this week, even though everything is snowy and slippery. That is a small victory for me :D

I have decorated my appartemend with my mother and we are now ready for Christmas to come. I just can't wait!!!

Anyways, I hope to hear from ya both soon.
Sorry I haven't called, but I have been too tired and buisy.
I hope to see you soon.
Miss you!


  1. I was literally grinning when I read about that Sirius story. And also, congratulations for the 5+ in math! I knew you could do it!

  2. Who didn't man this blog is too quiet this needs sparkles (captainsparklez). But anyway one of you is gone and f i don't know why but man I kinda feel bad for something I don't even know what!!!??
    Seriously man you know I'm always actually not that sad or anything man this sucks.
    Anyway I haven't heard of you all forever how you all doin? 8D
