Thursday, January 17, 2013

Things that piss me off pt. tres

I'm sorry. I'm feeling overly angry and cynical today. I am two steps away from pissing on someone's cellphone. I want to RANT!

Also... I wanted to post the 100th post! :D

*People who talk too much about their kid/little sis. Holy shit! I didn't think these people actually existed IRL! Apparently they do. Apparently they live in my vicinity. Apparently... they are fucking annoying! I don't want to hear how your kid just took it's first step, or how it said it's first word, or how it pooped it's diapers today. And for the love of FUCK, don't show me excessive amounts of their pictures!

*Tampon and towel advertisements. Aren't those things the kind that you either need or you don't? So when the time comes, I'm sure the female population can find their way over to the section where to buy that. The commercials are fucking embarrassing! I don't need to be told how absorbent they are; by the time you're going to need those, I'm pretty sure you know how to read already. So those commercials just fuck with my mind on pretty awful levels. It's embarrassing! (Especially if it's just you and some guy friend of yours watching the TV!)

*Bicycle helmets. The ones you buy for your kids, I mean, not the ones the professionals find somewhere. Because these helmets do SHIT to protect your head. And since the only helmets that help are for professionals and are fucking more expensive; what the fuck to do?! And to be honest, I fell off my bike hundreds of times and I never had a serious case of brain damage. I get that kids are different, but fuck! If you think your kids need a helmet on a tricycle, then I think your kid needs to wear a helmet 24/7. But still, those helmets do shit to help avoid brain damage.

*Lil Wayne

*Nicky Minaj

*When people tell me to not do a certain thing because I'm a girl. I will not meet your bullshit standards and will continue to act like I want. If I want to change myself, I'll do it. But not because of you. Girls are basically like guys without dicks, don't treat us differently.

*Girls/Guys that go from one partner to the next all the time. I'm sorry, but are you a human being?! What the fuck?! Cheating isn't okay! I'm sorry, but I'm going to start referring to you as a whore if you've changed partners three times already in a short amount of time. (And yes, that includes someone from my acquaintances.)

*Pancakes. I used to like pancakes, but now I see them like greasy sweet hamburgers with just the bun. But maybe I just dislike how my grandma makes them. Because I could actually eat pancakes that are made by either my sis or Ace or her mum. :|

*Chain letters. Fuck you!

*Disregard for the environment. I mean, don't go extreme, because anything extreme is bad, but seriously... you don't need to spit that nasty piece of gum on the street, when the trash can is RIGHT THERE! I don't want to step into your germs! And don't even get me started on throwing trash on general on the streets. /wrists

*Disregard for animal rights. (Again, don't go overboard with this.) Holy shit! It's basic human nature to kill something you're gonna eat, but don't torture the animal! Also, if you have a pet, care for it. It lives and breathes like you do. Think of what you'd feel like if you were treated like you treat your pet?

*People that tease others for their height/weight/abilities or lack of them/etc. (I am having trouble reverting to the same old sentence of "holy shit" all the time.) Please tell me you are younger than 12 years. If you are, it might be excusable, though then I'm turning the blame on the parents - keep your spawn in check, fuckers! If you're older than 12, you are showing your intense lack of emotional IQ and should be banned from society until further notice. This should be a legit thing - people get banned from society for a week or two and then are let back in. If they continue to act like retards, then they will be banned again. And repeat until infinity. Maybe being alone would teach you to not push people away from you. This sort of behaviour just makes me want to throttle a bitch.

*Politicians. The amount of bullshit that comes out of their mouths is both staggering and boring, while they also manage to procrastinate until the next voting. Never thought shit could be so boring and infuriating.

*People who assume I want to listen to their shit all the time.

*People who blame today's violence on video games and violent songs/movies/etc. I'm sorry, but that's just ignorant of you. I could go on a huge fucking rant about this, but fuckit.

*Junk food and carbonated drinks. It especially irks me if parents give nothing but that for their grubs.

*Young, underage girls, who don't see anything wrong with dating a 25-year old. Oh wow, I just want to punch you. Not even slap you. Outright punch you.

*Suicide notes/threats for getting attention. I'm sorry, but that shit is serious; go to a doctor! Don't push your problems on other people and deal with life like the rest of us!

*Rich bastards


*Sun in what-the-fuck-o'clock in the morning

*People, who wear socks in MY bed! Lauri!!!

*People, who roll the curtains up in my room and later don't put them back down. Gosh! Don't you understand; I want to be a gay emo vampire in my dark lonely cave room!

*When people talk over me

*Art that looks like a moose took a crap all over it

*Music that sounds like... A million nails being beaten into a bucket. Oh dear me! That innuendo

*People, who aren't more tolerant of other people. I mean; who cares if the math's teacher whines all the time. Just be quiet and Allons-y on!

*Food that tastes so good, but is devastating for your health! Oh god, those cookies!!!

*People, who don't finish their sente

*The cold that winter brings. Dear lord I am freezing over here!

*When I just want to cuddle and my cat is like; nope, suck the dick! And then proceeds to chew the living daylights out of my arm. Fuck him! tumut

*When I have exams coming at me with full speed and I am definitely gonna fail. Alternatively, when I have tests tomorrow and I still haven't studied for 'em.

*Fuck life.

*Fuck humans

*Humans suck

The end.


  1. I want to say something about THIS post.
    But I just watched those TWINS. OMJ.
