Saturday, January 19, 2013

I got a jar of dirt ... and guess what's inside it

Yeah. This is the day that you will always remember as the day that Kairit finally made a new post in this blog. 
You want some news? 
I finished my researching in literature. Finally.
It wasn't good. I think. It was boring. I don't even know why I did it. It was big waste of time. And half of my my nerve cells are now gone. 

School? - School is okay.
It sucks. I have no idea HOW I'm gonna make it. Sometimes. Okay, most of the time I don't understand ANYTHING what we're learning. I don't even know WHY am I in the ninth grade. I think I'm not smart enough for this. The amount of homework is too damn high.
And acutually, this time there's something new that I wanna talk about. It's called SLEEPING. My bed is my best friend. And like all my good friends, We see each other very rarely.
And I'm tired of this. So tired.
Now It's my turn to do 'what I hate' list:

I may be surronded by million people, but I still feel lonely. I shouldn't feel like that.  I hate this. 

I FUCKING HATE LIL WAYNE HATERS. During the last two weeks, I've been told that I'm stupid, because I like this kind of 'crap'  like him like twelve times. What's wrong with you? Have I ever offenced YOUR fucking music taste? I don't like Lil Wayne only because of his music. Usually people are just so narrow-minded, that they don't change their opinions. I don't even care what you think. But you don't need to remind me what YOU like or DON'T. Stop hating around like jerk. If you don't like something, then I don't think you need to waste your time of something like that. Leave it.

I hate you teacher. I hate you so much.

I'm not good at it. And I don't think I will ever be.

People who think they're better than others.
Oh, you're so unique. Did you started to wear new make-up brand?

People who don't ger my sarcasm.
What is wrong with you all? 

Okay, I think I need to stop this, because at the end of this post I will hate everything.
I miss you girls.

1 comment:

  1. Lol
    I don't think you're stupid for liking Lil Wayne. It's just that when I'm around you you tend to force-feed me Lil Wayne in nauseating quantities. And those hate-posts are just for the lulz. But that's just me. If everyone else acts like a douchebag all the time to you, then fuck 'em! :)

    I uh, don't get sarcasm most of the time... Sorry. :(

    Miss you too!
