Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Well, here I am again. Perhaps this will be the last time. I'm actually in an unusually good mood right now. Despite having so much homework I am almost drowning in it, I am writing, which is good I guess, though I doubt I shall have much time for sleep tonight. I am coming/going to the countryside in under a week, so being stuck in the city for the moment isn't so bad. The weather is really great too.
I don't know why I am writing today, as I don't even really have much to say. Just know that I am thinking about you and hoping you are doing well and that I will have time to call/meet up with you guys soon. I also hope you will not read these things, because I am unnecessarily emotional here and probably really uncool too.
Still, if you do, I miss you, so I'll see you soon. Bye! :D

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