Language... Language, gotta remind myself not to fucking swear that much.
So anyway... Hi. I finally got around to blogging aswell. And the only reason you're reading this right here right now, is because I downloaded an app that let's me write and publish blogs. I had to search for this app for like... at least 4 minutes. Shit took goddamn 4 minutes!
I love how when your irony is so advanced sometimes that people actually believe you're a retard. Brings a fucking tear to my eye everytime someone asks me with their big innocent eyes and half-dead brain if I really meant what I said.
I mean, shit, people, has life in the internet really burned that puny part of your brain that should understand that statements like..., "Of course I fucking like herring! Been mothereffing eating that shit all o' my life! Tastes better than strawberries!" or "I obviously forgot to take my medicine today. That's why you'll be seeing me in the hospital next week." or even "I like Twilight." ...are completely and UTTERLY entrenched in irony and sarcasm. least for me they are.
Also, I fucking hate typing on my iPod. Shit takes forever AND misspells some of my words.
Also, I dislike using emoticons. I use them sometimes, for like, irony's sake, but really they're the shitstains on humanity's underwear. Not that I say that other people shouldn't use them. They're just not for me really. (alright, so using a little smileyface to say you're happy or frownyface to say you're sad is okay, but anything above that is not REALLY for me. It'll be a miracle if you saw me using something like this <(•-•<) or this ;B
So, uhh, this was just a little introduction entry. See you guys... Whenever I guess.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Hello friends. I just wanted to say that actually I feel like I'm a freak or smth. Why the firetruck am I the only one who ever writes in this blog?
Anyway, it's friday now.. FRIDAY, FRIDAY.. And you know what I mean? ::
Noo you don't (Moriarty's voice). Actually I just wanted to say that there's only two days left before school starts. Yeah, two days.
But I think this school year's gonna be the best. And you know why? Noo you don't. Actually it's only cause we don't have to be there the whole year. And you know why? Noo you don't. Because the end of the world comes in December. And that means?
That means that we have to study only 3 and half months. AND We don't have to ski. Well, ONE of Us has never had a skiing lessons. OBVIOUSLY it's because she's homeless:)
Yup, that's her name.
Oh, and I thought it could be nice when some of you will write the story of us or smth.. I mean why do I always have to write everything..
Obviously because I'm freak but nevermind. Oh, PLUS my English sucks, I don't even know if anyone can understand ANYTHING what I'm trying to say here.
But guys. Okay girls.
I already miss you.
You may come back now. Come at once if convenient. If inconvenient come anyway.
Gotta go now.
PS. I'm addicted to memory games now. And you know why? Noo you don't.
It's because of YOU Anni. You were the one who made me watch Sherlock. Now I'm in relationship with my brain and these boring games. And you now what I discovered? - Noo you don't. - I'm quite smart. Very smart I'd say. And it's obvious cause I'm freak. *cough*-psychopath-*chough*
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